Hello! Here’s what’s happening on Wednesday.

1. US President Donald Trump delivered his first State of the Union address. Trump focused largely on jobs and the economy and US victories in the war against terrorism abroad.

2. President Trump called for “maximum pressure” against North Korean aggression. “North Korea’s reckless pursuit of nuclear missiles could very soon threaten our homeland,” Trump said.

3. Theresa May maintained that she will fight the next general election in 2022. May has previously said she is not a “quitter” and will focus long-term on delivering Brexit and creating domestic reform.

4. China said it needs to strengthen its nuclear capabilities to compete with rival powers. The reasoning was based on President Donald Trump's plans to pursue development of new nuclear weaponry and delivery systems.

5. Russian President Vladimir Putin admitted there were "instances of doping" by the Russian Olympic team. Russia has been banned by the International Olympic Committee from competing in 2018 on accusations of state-sponsored athletic drug enhancements in Sochi.

6. A total lunar eclipse, or blood moon, will be visible across the globe. Click here to find out the viewing times in your region.

7. Facebook is banning all ads for bitcoin, cryptocurrencies, and ICOs. The social network says the ban, which includes both Facebook and Instagram, is intended to crack down on scams.

8. Kenya's government shut down television and radio stations as the opposition leader swore himself in as president. Thousands of opposition supporters reportedly gathered at the mock inauguration.

9. Apple will reportedly scale back on production of the iPhone X amid weak demand. The iPhone X is Apple's most important product. It was launched in September with a $1,000 price tag, the highest ever for an iPhone.

10. Google-linked ride-sharing company Waymo announced it will buy thousands of self-driving Chrysler minivans. Waymo is battling Uber, which announced last year it also plans to buy thousands of self-driving cars from Volvo.

And finally ...

The heart of Paris is underwater - and the images are a shocking reminder that the city is unprepared